Monday, June 13, 2011

Photoshop skills

 For this photo i used threshold and paint with a high opacity.
 In this picture I used liquify to change ther pserons appearance and then color replacemnet tool to make him green
In this picture i used tilt shift to create a miniature look.
I used quick select and the color replacemnet tool to make Lightening mcqueen go from being bhright red to an ugly yellow.
In this picture i took a portrait and outlined it with balck i then took a the color from a section of his original face and painted his entire face that color. This created a cartooned look.
The belt doesnt look great, but i added the shirt, pants, and belt using quick select and free transform.  
In this picture i used liquify to make the writing more inersting.

 I used the quick select tool and the word text tool to create this picture.
 I used the filter tool to make the water look tiled, and i used the amsking tool to make it so that the cement and my refeltion aare not tiled.
I made the entire picture balck and white, and then used the history brush to make the background bright again.

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